Thursday 31 May 2012

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle

Hye Guys..

Sometimes it can feel as though eating a healthy diet, getting enough exercise and finding the time to find yourself is impossible. But learning to live a healthier lifestyle is easy when you change one small thing at a time. Follow this advice and you'll soon be full of beans.

1. Let it beet
It sounds bizarre, but beetroot could be a secret weapon against high blood pressure. The condition is a major cause of heart disease and stroke, but many people aren't aware they have it as it has no symptoms. Now, researchers from Barts and the London School of Medicine say drinking 500ml of beetroot juice could dramatically reduce blood pressure after just one hour. So drink up the pink stuff.

2. Think outside the box
Us lazy Brits will spend 17 years of our lives on the sofa, with seven years of that devoted to watching TV. Next time you hear yourself say, "I haven't got time to go to the gym" or you opt for ready meals because you're too busy to cook fresh food, think about switching off the box and doing something healthy instead.
3. Don't take the biscuit
It may be a good idea to steer clear of the biscuit tin before you go shopping. A team from the University of Singapore recently discovered that the smell of chocolate chip cookies could make women splurge on unnecessary clothes when they hit the shops. The smell activates the part of your brain that wants instant gratification, although that's no excuse for maxing out your credit cards.

. Embracing good health
Giving your partner a hug doesn't just warm the heart, it can protect it too. A study by the University of North Carolina in 2005 found that hugging your other half for 20 seconds could lower blood pressure and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol have been linked to heart disease and other conditions such as diabetes.

5. Pouring salt on the wound
We eat around 9.5g of salt a day, but the Government wants us to cut this to no more than 6g, as high levels of salt can push up your blood pressure, raising your risk of cardiovascular conditions. Many food labels only list salt as sodium however, but you can do a simple sum to work out their real salt content; just multiply by 2.5. So 0.8g of sodium becomes 2g of salt.

6. Sunny side up
Get outside in the sunshine for a natural boost. The sun's rays on the skin help your body produce vitamin D, which has been shown to fight heart disease, depression, osteoporosis and even some types of cancer. There's not a lot of sun around at this time of year, so make the most of it when it does appear!
7. One is the magic number
One of the largest studies into diet and cancer – the Europe-wide EPIC study – found that eating just one extra portion of fruit and vegetables a day could cut your risk of dying early from any cause by 20 per cent.

8. Holding back the years
Add 14 years to your life by following four very easy principles; don't smoke, take regular exercise, drink sensibly and eat five portions of fruit and veg a day. These simple steps can have a huge impact on your life expectancy, say scientists from Cambridge University. If you only manage one thing, give up smoking as the study found this had the biggest impact on your health.

9. A step in the right direction
Previously, experts thought taking 10,000 steps a day was enough to control your weight, but a world-wide study has just established that women up to the age of 40 and men up to 50 need 12,000 steps a day to help shift that middle jiggle. Invest in a pedometer to make sure you're hitting your target.
10. Laughter is the best medicine
Become a glass-half-full person! Studies have found that those with a positive attitude suffer less from conditions such as heart disease. Find something to laugh at every day to give your feel-good hormones a boost.

Why The Smartest People Have The Toughest Time Dating

Hye Guys... 

I have a mini-confession to make: I wrote the Tao of Dating books specifically for really smart people. The writing of the books was precipitated by the endemic dating woes on the Harvard campus, as I observed them as an advisor and earlier, indulged in them as a student.

Those kids graduate and pretty much continue to have the same dating woes -- only now with fewer single people around who happen to live in the same building and share meals with them every day. So if they had challenges then, it gets about 1000 times worse once they're tossed from the warm womb of their alma mater.

From my observations, the following dating challenges seem to be common to most smart people. In fact, the smarter you are, the more clueless you will be, and the more problems you're going to have in your dating life. Once upon a day I used to be pretty smart, and believe me, I had a lock on clueless.

On the one hand, this makes no sense. Smart people can figure stuff out, right? And this stuff is simple!

On the other hand, it makes total sense. For simple things, it takes someone smart to really screw it up. So whether you went (or should have gone) to the likes of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, Columbia, Cornell, Swarthmore, Amherst, Dartmouth, Brown, Oxford, Cambridge, Berkeley, Penn, Caltech, Duke, read on:

1. Smart people spent more time on achievements than on relationships when growing up.

Smart kids usually come from smart families. And smart families are usually achievement-oriented. Bring me home those straight As, son. Get into those top colleges, daughter. Take piano, violin, tennis, swimming and Tibetan throat-singing lessons. Win every award there is in the book. Be 'well-rounded.'

Well, you're a talented little bugger. Of course you should develop those talents. At the same time, there's an opportunity cost associated with achievement. Time spent studying, doing homework, and practicing the violin is time not spent doing other things -- like chasing boys or girls, which turns out is fairly instrumental in making you a well-rounded human.

The upshot of all that achievement is that you get into a top college -- congratulations! -- and then continue doing even more of what you were doing before. Dating is at best another extracurricular, #6 or #7 down the list, somewhere between Model UN and intramural badminton.

I've been co-hosting young alumni events for name-brand schools for long enough to know that these kids come out a little lopsided (which sounds so much better than 'socially awkward', don't you think?). All they need is a little tune-up, or a little dating textbook like The Tao of Dating for Women or Men, to get them going -- plus a little practice.

Of course, as noted above, things only get worse once you graduate. And if you're frustrated with your love life, you just might try to compensate by working harder and achieving even more to fill that void. Left untreated, this condition can go on for decades. I know people in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond who still haven't figured out how to create an intimate connection with another human being.

It's because they've been going at it the wrong way. Which brings us to...

2. Smart people feel that they're entitled to love because of their achievements.

For most of their lives, smart people inhabit a seemingly meritocratic universe: if they work hard, they get good results (or, in the case of really smart folks, even if they don't work hard, they still get good results). Good results mean kudos, strokes, positive reinforcement, respect from peers, love from parents.

So it only makes sense that in the romantic arena, it should work the same way. Right? The more stuff I do, the more accomplishments and awards I have, the more girls (or boys) will like me. Right? Please say I'm right, because I've spent a LOT of time and energy accumulating this mental jewelry, and I'm going to be really bummed if you tell me it's not going to get me laid.

Well, it's not going to get you laid, brother (or sister). It may get you a first date, but it's probably not going to get you a second date. And it certainly won't bring you lasting love and fulfillment.

Here's the thing: your romantic success has nothing to do with your mental jewelry and everything to do with how you make the other person feel. And making someone feel a certain way is a somewhat nonlinear process that requires a different kind of mastery than that of calculus or Shakespeare.

In other words, you need to earn love (or at least lust). Sadly, no mom, dad or professor teaches us about the power of the well-placed compliment (or put-down), giving attention but not too much attention, being caring without being needy. I wrote a whole 280-page book about that, so that's a story for a different day.

3. You don't feel like a fully-realized sexual being, and therefore don't act like one.

At some point in your life, you got pegged as a smart person. From then on, that was your principal identity: The Smart One. Especially if you had a sibling who was better-looking than you, in which case she (or he) was The Pretty One.

Now you could be absolutely stunning (in which case you're both smart AND pretty and everyone hates you except for me -- call me, like, immediately), but your identity is still bound up in being The Smart One. So maybe you dress frumpy and don't pay a lot of attention to your appearance. Or never bothered to cultivate your sensuality as a woman. Or your sexual aggression as a male.

Attracting a partner is all about the dance of polarity. Energy flows between positive and negative electrodes, anode and cathode, magnetic north and south. Unless you actually convey femininity as a woman or masculinity as a man, you're not going to attract a suitable companion of the opposite sex.

Part of the issue is this: when all of your personal energy is concentrated in the head, it never gets a chance to trickle down to the heart, or, god forbid, the groin. By virtue of being born of the union of male and female, yang and yin, you are a sexual being. Deal with it. Now do what you need to do to perpetuate the race already. Use what mama amoeba gave you.

That brings us to...

4. You're exceptionally talented at getting in the way of your own romantic success.

Here's an incontrovertible fact: every one of your ancestors survived to reproductive age and got it on at least once with a member of the opposite sex. All the way back to Homo erectus. And even further back to Australopithecus. And even further back to monkeys, to lizards, to the first amphibian that crawled out of the slime, the fish that preceded that amphibian, the worm before the fish and the amoeba that preceded the worm.

And you, YOU, in the year 2009 C.E., the culmination of that miraculously unbroken line of succession, you, Homo sapiens sapiens, not just thinking man but thinking thinking man (or woman), are the only one smart enough to SCREW THE WHOLE THING UP.

Perhaps you should consider thinking a little less then.

Because heaven knows that the amoeba, worm, fish, amphibian, monkey and primitive hominids didn't do a whole lot of thinking. Their DNA had a vested interest in perpetuating itself, so it made sure that happened.

Turns out your DNA works the same way, too. And maybe when you're really sloshed at a party and your whole frontal lobe is on vacation in the outer rings of Saturn, you've noticed that your lizard brain knows exactly how to grab that cute girl by the waist for a twirl on the dance floor. Or knows exactly how to arch your back, flip your hair and glance at that handsome hunk just so such that he comes on over to say hi.

To put it plainly, you are programmed to reproduce. Now quit thinking you're smarter than the 3 billion base pairs in your genome and 4 billion years of evolution. Actually, just stop thinking altogether. Let the program do its work.

5. By virtue (or vice) of being smart, you eliminate most of the planet's inhabitants as a dating prospect

Let's say by 'smart' we mean 'in the top 5% of the population in terms of intelligence and education'. Generally speaking, smart people seek out other smart people to hang out with, simply because they get bored otherwise. And if they're going to spend a lot of time with someone, intelligence in a partner is pretty much a requirement.

Well, congratulations -- you've just eliminated 95% of the world's population as a potential mate, Mr or Ms Smartypants. Now, luckily, the world's kinda big, so the remaining 5% of the gender of your choice is still a plentiful 160 million or so people. Even if only 1% of those are single enough, good-looking enough, local enough and just all-around cool enough for you, that's over a million people you can date out there.

Still, that's less than one in five thousand people. And if you live in a smaller city, it may be just a handful of folks who are going to meet your stringent criteria.

At this point, you have three choices:

A) Loosen up

B) Do a very thorough search all over the planet and be prepared to move to Duesseldorf OR

C) Join a monastery.

My hearty recommendation is choice A. The purpose of relationship (and perhaps all of life) is to practice the loving. No partner is going to be 100% perfect anyway, so learn to appreciate people for what they have to offer, not what they don't. And love them for that. That's what real loving is.

Nobody's asking to lower your standards here; you should still spend time only with worthwhile company. But do question the standards to see whether they're serving you or you're serving them.

When you open your heart to love, you may find fulfillment in ways you never imagined possible -- like the day you tried sushi or beer in spite of your trepidation, found it surprisingly alright, and expanded your personal envelope of pleasure. Taking that into consideration, given a choice between happy-go-lucky and picky-but-lonely, happy sounds like more fun.

Got this from Paulo Mutuc
Written by: Dr. Alex Benzer

Wednesday 30 May 2012

10 Beauty Secrets Every Girl Should Know

Hye Guys,
As college girls, we’re always looking for tips and tricks that are affordable and time-saving. Between classes, extra curricular activities and our social lives, it’s hard to find the time to always primp and prep ourselves to look fabulous, and things can fall out of place from time to time, especially during a day that seems to last forever. But with these quick and easy beauty secrets, you’re guaranteed to look beautiful and flawless all the time! Read on for all the info.
Smile is the best Makeup For Girl.

 1) Bronzer and baby powder are a great way to disguise oily hair.
This trick is one of my favorites, since I am unfortunately one of those girls who loves to play with her hair, and therefore, add more oil to it than it would have on its own. If you’re a brunette, carry around a bronzer compact. If you’re a blonde, carry around a mini baby powder. They’ll temporarily hide your not-so-freshly-washed locks! (You might also want to try one of our favorite dry shampoos.)

 2) Vaseline is an all-around life saver.
 From using it as a chapstick, to applying a sparing amount to dry skin, to using it as an eye makeup remover, Vaseline can do it all. (Once my mom and I asked a middle-aged woman how her skin was so smooth and glowy, and she responded by saying she’s been putting Vaseline on it every night since she was 13! But make sure your skin can handle it if you dare to try! Vaseline is very thick, and can cause your skin to clog and pimples to form!

3) Visine can help clear up your eye
And your blemishes! Red eyes after a long night studying?Visine’s always great to have on hand… And as a bonus, applying a small amount to blemishes will reduce redness almost instantly! Talk about double duty.

4) Flyaways can be tamed by most moisturizers!
If you have any stray flyaway hairs, take a small, dime-sized amount of moisturizer, rub between your hands, and run over those stray pieces of hair! The weight of the moisturizer will hold them down, while giving your hands a quick dose of moisture!

5) Nails stained from dark polishes?
 Stick your fingertips in lemon halves! Sticking your nails in lemon halves for five minutes will help brighten nails instantly. This is a trick that is used on models, since they often have to continuously get their nails done, often with dark, staining polishes.

 6) Forget buying cream eyeshadow
 Make your own! By using a wet brush instead of a dry one on powdered eye shadow, you instantly create a creamier, brighter shadow to apply to your lids. This trick is so simple, yet so effective!

7) Put your perfume or fragrance on your wrists when you’ll be meeting people and shaking hands.
By putting fragrance on your wrists as well as behind your ears, it ensures that the recipient of your handshake or the lucky person who’s kissing your cheek will smell your delicious scent!

8) Run a fabric-softener sheet along your hair to get rid of the smell of a night out.
 Whether you smell like a frat party, a smoky room, or a bar, this trick will get you smelling less like a night out and more like you’re ready to face a new day!

9) Want to change your hairstyle, but not ready to cut it off?
Try a side part! This dramatic part will make you the envy of every girl, and requires nothing more than a comb and a little bit of hairspray! Celebrities like Megan Fox love this easy look! Also consider trying new accessories, such as clips, bobby pins, and headbands, as well as styling your hair into buns and ponytails! Your haircut should never leave you feeling stuck with just one look!

10) Water is a girl’s best friend!
No matter how many beauty tips and tricks you read in your lifetime, the most important is this: it’s important to drink as much water as possible each and every day. It keeps your skin looking healthy, will make you feel healthy and hydrated, and your skin and hair feeling supple! It truly is a girl’s best friend.

P/s: What do you think? Have you tried any of these beauty tips and tricks? Did you learn something new that you’re going to try? What is your favorite beauty secret? 

Shoes Can Reveal A Girl's Personality

Hye Guys..

Show Me Your Shoes and I’ll Tell You Who You Are

Shoe selection tells more about a girl than you could ever imagine. Just look at her shoes and you’ll know whether she’s a classic, sexy vamp or an idler. Here are some ways to see through their cover. Come and see.

  1. Flat sandals with a belt around the ankle.
    *If she loves this kind of shoes it means that she will rather choose comfort over suffering for sexy modern shoes with high heel and platform. That’s what she likes in real life – comfort.
  2. Sandals with low heel
    *She is more a slave to a certain style than sex appeal. She will rather follow trends than wear something that seems sexy to her, because for her it would be too conventional.
  3.  Multi color sandals with platform
    *This type of shoes is worn by girls who have free spirit. They are social and most likely have an equal number of male and female friends.
  4.  Flat shoes
    *Those girls are like those from the school books. They want their schedule, life style, company and clothes to be stylish.
  5.  Sandals with T belts
    *She is a real sexy type. No one can beat her in flirting and they are always in a center of attention. She definitely knows how to get what she wants.
  6. Sandals with two belts
    *She’s an ideal best friend! She’s so sweet, loves to give wise advices and probably adores children. Choosing gift for others is most likely her favorite hobby
  7. Shoes with wooden platforms
    Whenever she’s in some kind of dilemma she’s sure that logics can solve it all. Mathematics is her strong point.

p/s:Hahaha.. See, which girl you are..??? I love to Wear All Of This Kind Of Shoes Based On My Activity. Hehehe.. KBYE..!

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Rambut Perm

Rambut Perm atau kerinting juga merupakan trend pada masa ini. Ramai remaja mahupun wanita sukakan rambut mereka yang kerinting. Tapi, Yana tetap maintain dengan rambut panjang dan lurus.. ehehe.. Apabila musim perayaan, pasti ramai yang akan menjadikan rambut mereka kepada sesuatu yang baru. 

Baiklah, kali ini Yana ingin memberikan tip menjaga rambut perm atau kerinting.  

  • Gunakan syampu yang telah dikhaskan untuk rambut perm. 
  • Jangan lupa mengaplikasikan perapi yang juga dikhaskan pada rambut tersebut.
  • Pastikan rambut sentiasa disapukan leave-in conditioner bagi mengelakkannya daripada kering.
  • Semasa rambut masih lembap, sapukan foam mousse dengan menggunakan scrunch.
Foam Mousse
  • Di kala menyikat, pastikan anda tidak menggunakan sikat biasa bagi mengelakkannya daripada rosak.
  • Gunakan fuses untuk mengekalkan rambut yang telah di perm tersebut. 

Hair Perm

Monday 28 May 2012

Selamat Hari Gawai 2012

Heehee.. Berhabuk sudah.. Lama dah Yana xupdates.. Malas sangat.. yalah, kalau dah malas, inilah akibatnya.. hahaha... Entri kali ini Yana nak berceita mengenai Hari Gawai. Yelah kan, Yana semangat giler nak Bergawai nie.. Nak Balik Kampung. Kalau dah kat Kampung, mana ada connection, xpat on9.. jauh lagi nak updates entri.. hahahaha..

Sambutan Hari Gawai akan disambut oleh golongan bangsa Dayak di Sarawak khususnya pada 1 & 2 Jun.. Kalau di Sabah, Pesta Keamatan atau dikenali juga sebagai Tadau Keamatan yang akan disambut pada 31 Mei. Walau bagaimanapun, sambutan hari Gawai hanya akan disambut oleh bangsa Dayak seperti Iban, Kenyah, Kayan, Orang Ulu, dan Bidayuh ( setakat yang Yana Tahu). Biasanya perayaan ini disambut bagi menandakan bahawa musim menuai padi telah tamat. bergitu juga dengan masyarakat di Sabah, Pesta Keamatan akan diadakan selepas tamatnya musim menuai padi.

Hahaha..! Kak Limah Balik Sarawak, Nak celebrate Gawai yer.. *Sekadar Gambar Hiasan*

Menjadi Norma masyarakat di Malaysia, pada musim perayaan sudah pasti akan pulang ke kampung masing-masing bagi menyambut hari yang bermakna bersama keluarga, sanak saudara dan rakan di kampung. Namun, seperti tahun-tahun yang lalu, Yana sekeluarga merupakan orang yang terakhir meninggalkan kawasan perumahan. Hahaha..Kesian.. Tapi xkisahlah kalau balik lambat pun. 2jam je jarak masa untuk sampai ke rumah Yana di kampung. Opss.. Bukan rumah Yana, tapi rumah Mak di kampung.. ehehe..

Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya berlaku sesuatu peristiwa seperti kematian ahli keluarga yang terdekat, perayaan gawai tidak akan disambut. Jika disambut, tidaklah semeriah manapun. Sekiranya menyambut perayaan gawai selepas kematian ahli keluarga tertentu, tetamu akan dihidangkan dengan makanan, minuman, dan berbual-bual sahaja. Hal ini kerana, ahli keluarga si mati masih merasakan kesedihan setelah pemergian insan yang tesayang, Secara logik, masakan boleh bergembira jika ada orang mati. Keadaan ini menimpa jiran depan rumah Yana. Terkilan Yana semasa mendengar bahawa senior Yana zaman Yana sekolah telah meninggalkan keluarganya buat selamanya. Dengar khabar dia telah mati dibunuh, berdasarkan keadaannya semasa mati, sebab nak kata mati kemalangan, keretanya masih elok seperti sedia kala, cuma mayatnya diletakan di bawah kereta semasa ditemui. Yang paling menyedihkan, Abah Yana ada melihatnya petang hari kejadian di depan rumah. Apa pun, REST IN PEACE, Senior Dominic. Plus, Yana dulu pernah Crush On Him.. Hehehhe...

p/s:Huhuhu.. Sedih pulak Yana.. Hermmm. Yana ucapkan selamat menyambut hari Gawai, Selamat Bercuti Buat yang Bercuti, Selamat pengantin Baru Buat Sesiapa yang bakal menamatkan zaman Bujang..dan Selamat mencari Buah Hati buat Yana..!! Hahahha..KBYE

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Makan Makan Makan

Entry Kali ini best sikit..sikit jer.. sebab Berkaitan dengan makanan.. hahahha.. Lapar pulak dengar perkataan makanan.. Yang nie, Yana masak sendiri tau.. huhu.. Untuk Dinner a.k.a makan malam keluarga.. hehehe..  Jeng..Jeng..Jeng.. 

Kailan Goreng

Ikan Masak Masam Manis (versi Yana)

Ayam Masak Merah (versi Yana)

Rendang Daging
p/s: Hahaha..Sedap x..?? Yana masak sendiri tau.. Adik Yana kata, kalau mak dan abah balik kampung, mesti lauk pauk kite sedap3.. hahaha.. hakikatnya, xda beza.. mak dan abah ada ker, xda ke, tetap sama.. cuma ikut keadaan jer.. hehehe.. xakan tiap hari nak makan lauk bajet HOT, kannn..?? *tangan menutup muka* :D

Saturday 19 May 2012

Oh Exam

Allow.. Huhuk..
Hari ini budak3 Yana semuanya menjalani peperiksaan. Dalam Exam pun sempat bermain.. Geram Yana dengan diaorg nie tau... hukhuk.. 


Muka jer nampak Khusyuk , tapi, sebenarnya main-main.. :D

Friday 18 May 2012

16 May 2012 Happy Teacher's Day

Allow.. Huhuk..
Selamat Hari Guru, Selamat Ari Pengajar, Happy teacher's Day Buat semua yang bergelar guru.. Guru tadika, guru sekolah menengah, lecture dan tak lupa pada guru di akedemik memandu.. hehehe...

Hari ini, Yana simple jer g mengajar.. Skirt dan blouse jer.. sebab lambat bangun, jadi Yana tak bermakeup.. Natural beauty jer... Hahha.. "selamat Hari guru, Cikgu" itulah ucapan murid3 merangkap junior Yana setibanya Yana di sekolah.. Maklumlah, mengajar kat sekolah sendiri katakan.. hehe.. Ucapan tu berlanjutan sehingga Yana balik.. sejuk juga hati bila dgr.. yang penting Yana wish Happy Teacher's day kat someone special.. heheh... muka dia Innocent jer...sebab tu Yana suka dia.. Suka tengok muka jer.. nama dia, Cikgu Richard..alaa.cikgu interm.. tunggu nak posting jer..harap3 posting kat sekolah nie.. huhu..

Jeng..jeng..Jeng..!! Tarrraaa...!
 Hasil Tangan Budak-budak Tingkatan 2.. 

Janji ikhlas kata Cikgu Arman.. hehhe.. 
Terima kasih untuk semuanya... Yana Hargai.. :)

Monday 14 May 2012

Syampoo Ku

Fuhhh..!! Alooww... Jap Yer, Yana nak sapu blog Yana jap..banyaknya debu-debu kesibukan.. haha. well, terlampau sibuk semenjak dua menjak ni, Yana jarang buka blog.. Kadang-kadang xbuka ponn.. hoho..

Dalam entri kali ni, Yana nak sentuh mengenai Syampoo.. Syampoo yang biasa-biasa.. Tak kisahlah nama jenamanya.. Jenama xpenting mana pun.. yang penting boleh selesaikan masalah rambut.. Ha, bagi yang mengalami keguguran rambut plus ada masalah kelemumur lagi tu..memang pening kalau cari syampoo.. Ada ler, sumber3 bagi tip a.ka petua nak atasi masalah rambut Yana tu, tapi, xbekesan pada Yana.. Jadi Yana pilih Syampoo DOVE dalam banyak3 syampoo yang pernah Yana gunakan.. Dari yang termahal, hingga yang termurah.. ahahha.. jangan lupa gunakan juga conditioner atau lembap rambut anda.. tQ.. ^__^

 Syampoo DOVE + Conditioner

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Personaliti Zodiak

Berhabuk sudah Blog Yana.. Lama dah xupdates entri.. Hahaha.. Well, Kali ini, Yana sibuk sangat.. Maklumlah dah kerja kata kan.. Xtanya ponn.. Malunya.. Topik Kali Ini berkaitan dengan Zodiak atau personaliti berdasarkan horoskop anda..

Tengkuk, jadikan kamu sentiasa ikat rambut selalu ek..!

Senyuman yang menawan serta gigi yang tersusun rapi

Mata, serlahkannya dengan eyeliner

Tulang pipi. Jadi, jangan lupa untuk gunakan pemerah pipi, ya!

Bibir, pastikan kamu memilih lipstik yang sesuai dengan dirimu.

Saat kamu ketawa, jangan over.

Kaki, pastikan sentiasa bersih dan pilih kasut yang sesuai.

Rambut, Pendek atau panjang bukan persoalan yang penting sihat.(Yana Punya..! haha)

Lengan, pastikan sentiasa bersenam

Pinggang, serlahkannya dengan tali pinggang

Kening, rapikan dengan sebaiknya

Belahan dadamu, serlahkan dengan blaus berleher V, tapi jangan over.
