Friday 14 November 2014

5 Biggest Mistakes You Make Putting on Eyeliner

It's probably the trickiest part of your makeup routine — but it's also the one that makes the most difference.

1. Overdoing it on the bottom lid.
Heavily lining your lower lid — especially with a very dark color — can make your eyes look smaller, says Mary Clarke, a product analyst in the Good Housekeeping Research Institute beauty lab. Plus, you’re more likely to end up with under-eye smudges. If you want to define your lower eyelid, use a light pencil or, for an even more subtle look, a light brown or taupe eye shadow. Clarke recommends MAC Pro Longwear pencil, a top-performer in our tests.

RELATED: 7 Best Long-Lasting Waterproof Eyeliners

2. Putting it on unevenly, resulting in a jagged look.
It's so frustrating to have to wipe off that line on your upper lid with makeup remover a million times before you get it right. To keep liner straight, avoid tugging at the outer corners of your eyes, makeup artist Laura Geller told Good Housekeeping. "This can cause skin to crinkle, and your line will not be as smooth." Try pointing your chin up and looking down, so your lids are half-closed but you can still see them. And if you’re using gel liner, apply it with a slanted brush for a smoother look. You can also use a light pencil to draw in the line to give yourself a guideline.

3. Only using black and brown.
A little white or nude eyeliner on your bottom lid can work wonders to make you look more awake and refreshed. Gently pull on your under-eye and trace the line between the lower lashes and the inside rim.

RELATED: The Right Makeup for Your Eye Shape

4. Not knowing the differences between pencil, gel, and liquid.
Pencil eyeliners are best if you’re in a hurry: They’re the quickest to put on and resist smearing, Carl Ray, makeup artist to Michelle Obama, told Good Housekeeping. (Here’s his easy tip for applying pencil liner smoothly.) Gel liners give you a more glam look, are water-resistant, and allow more control over line thickness. Our top pick: Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner. Liquid liners are the "advanced" kind. They apply more precisely, but you really need a steady hand to put 'em on. If you’re a beginner trying a wing-tip or cat-eye, use gel instead of liquid. "Liquid liner is a powerful product that delivers a strong, fluid line," says makeup artist Sonia Kashuk. "Its intense pigmentation creates definition at the lash line and by controlling the thickness of the line, you can create a range of looks."

5. Not smudge-proofing.
Here’s how to do it: Apply your liner with a pencil or a tiny brush, and then trace over the line with a matching powder shadow. To make it last even longer, wet your shadow brush with Visine first, Jo Davis, artistic director for Trucco Cosmetics, told Good Housekeeping.

Sunday 20 July 2014

The 15 minutes could changes your Life Sex

The romantic woo: the flowers, the dinner, the compliments. Maybe you hold the door open. Maybe you have perfected some Casanova moves in the boudoir that makes your lover swoon.

But if you really want to leave a lasting impression, the most important thing may be what you do immediately after sex.

We’re not saying you’re the kind of cad who loves and runs. You just might have been better trained in foreplay than the after play. And science is telling us the denouement and subsequent cool-down matter.

 15 minutes of post-coitus cuddling boosts relationship satisfaction, according to a pair of new studies published recently in the Archives of Sexual Behavior journal. Academics from two universities near Toronto queried more than 450 adults about their post-love-making actions and general relationship happiness.

The “duration of post sex affection was associated with higher sexual satisfaction and, in turn, higher relationship satisfaction,” reads the abstract. “The findings suggest that the period after sex is a critical time for promoting satisfaction in intimate bonds.”

Not all couples view cuddling equally — stereotypes say women want it, and men don’t. But stereotypes are meant to be broken. And sometime it’s the men who want the snuggles. Whatever your inclination, the truth seems to be that taking a few extra minutes to bask in each other’s glow will do wonders for your relationship.

This worked over the course of three months of lovemaking — no word on if it matters after years of marriage, but at least, it still matters after the first blush.

So if nothing else, she’ll be more likely to think fondly of your romantic time together if you take some time afterward for a little more togetherness. And she’s sure to make the rest of us say, “I’ll have what she’s having.”

Read more: The Scientific Secret to Better Sex | Acumen | OZY

Tuesday 15 July 2014

How to lose weight?

More than one-third of adults in the United States are obese. In fact, the furor over obesity, which some have termed an “epidemic,” has reached such proportions that one big-city mayor has gone about banning large-sized, sugary soft drinks and the First Lady has been on a crusade to control the dietary offerings in public schools. Even many adults who do not fit the clinic definition of obese are still overweight, and a large percentage are looking for the best ways to lose weight. Shedding pounds largely comes down to the two-pronged factors of diet and exercise. Not modifying the first one enough, and not getting enough of the second one, ends up giving the individual a recipe for being overweight.

Conditions related to obesity include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Counseling someone to eat less and exercise more might be the simplest advice possible, but it’s also, partially, an oversimplification. When it comes to diet, no one needs to starve themselves in order to lose weight. It has more to do with the types of food you eat than how much you eat. Reduce the amount of red meat in your diet. If you don’t want to eliminate red meat altogether, choose cuts of meat with less fat content. Limit your intake of salt and starches. If you've got to have potato chips alongside your sandwich at lunch, opt for the baked potato chips that are less greasy and contain less fat than the deep-fried chips. You might find you’re really not sacrificing that much in terms of taste. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, egg whites, skinless poultry, fish and nonfat dairy products will certainly aid in the mission of losing weight. Drink more water and less sugary drinks. If you have to have a soda, a diet soda is a better option, but seltzer is an even better choice than that.

In terms of exercise, it’s important—if not always easy—to make sure you get at least some physical activity each and every day. Cardio and strength training burn lots of calories. If your feet or your stamina level won’t allow for a regular jogging regimen, then make sure you take lots of walks. Next time you need to mail a letter, walk to the mailbox instead of driving. Try to work in a daily walk in your neighborhood. And if you intend on more rigorous, formal exercising at the gym or fitness center, be sure to pace yourself and don’t build up to an overly ambitious workout agenda too quickly. There are thousands of diet fads among us.  However, sometimes the best advice is common sense.  Work towards a healthy diet and integrate regular exercise.  You would be surprised at the results small changes can make.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Weight loss

Putting in practice a balanced diet can definitely help you to lose weight effectively. There are a lot of foods available that may help you reduce extra weight for several reasons.

1. Fish is much more healthy choice than beef, pork, chicken or lamb.

2. Exclude the white bread, and get whole grain bread instead.

3. Tea is not only for spending time with friends, it also may be a healthy drink pick for omnigenous occasions.

4. Be sure that you remain well hydrated during a day. A nice idea is to drink 8 glasses of water all day long. This not only hydrates your body, at the same time it helps to liquidate toxic substances within your body. Water is a must for the body to work.

5.Eat your fair share of celery and radishes 'cause they have zero net calories.

A significant aspect in weight loss is exercise. You must not simply cut down your calorie consumption. You need to combine that with a big exercise program that will be suitable for you concretely. Exercise is the unconstrained method to burn off calories. Once your body gets in shape, your organism will enhance the calorie burning efficiency.

Losing excessive pounds is a great way to obtain better health, though, you need to concentrate on your general life’s health. If your diet program leaves you without nutrition and in this way is endangering your health, it frustrates the purpose of feeling good and looking good.

Healthy food choices

If you wish to have a balanced and healthy diet, you must eat lots of foods that are engorged with nutrients.

healthy food choices, healthy food exercise, healthy food meal, healthy food combinations

The best choice is to get the most nutrient-dense meals you can from each food group every day — those packed with vitamins, fiber, minerals and other nutrients, and also low in refined carbohydrates such as white flour, wine, candy. Select eating like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish. You may likely want to prefer organic sources of meal. Organic means that no artificial hormones, pesticides or antibiotics were added to the crop when it was being grown or to feed that was given to animals that provided the meal, or were given to the cattle directly.

You’ll apparently see that fresh eating supply to a degree more nutrients and less sugar than processed eating.

You may possibly wish to make efforts to design a diet that complies with your personalized goals. If you don't have an opportunity to work directly with a trained nutritionist, you have several alternative variants. Numerous online tools and computer programs can assist you to onward analyze what you eat.

Eating many different healthy meals is vital to secure the organism from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Food diversity means eating foods from all of the five major food groups in the proper amounts and with different nutrients.

5 Trick that will help you fuller at your next meals

If you're scraping your plate and still wondering why you're hungry, take a look at what you're eating. Meals that contain a good balance of carbs, fiber, protein, and healthy fats will keep your stomach happy for hours. Want even more help? Employ these five tricks during your next meal to help keep you full without going for seconds or thirds.

1. Drink water first.  
People often mistake thirst for hunger, so opting for a glass of water before a snack is a smart idea. Not only will you hydrate your body, but you'll also fill your stomach, which can help tide you over until your next snack or meal. Drinking a full glass of water before ordering at a restaurant (and diving into the bread basket) is a great strategy when you're trying to shave needless calories on a night out.

2. Eat slower: 
Mindful eating helps you enjoy your food more, while also helping you feel fuller faster. Slow down and enjoy each bite - you'll recognize when to put down the fork faster than if you're wolfing it down. Besides sitting down when you eat, try these tips to help you enjoy and eat meals slower.

3. Spice it up: 
You're more likely to enjoy food that's full of flavor than bland food, so go ahead and spice it up. One study, for example, found that participants ate 60 fewer calories when cayenne pepper was added to their tomato soup. Spices don't just suppress your appetite, either; they've been shown to boost metabolism and may help you use less salt in your food, since they already impart so much flavor.

4. End with tea: 
A mug of hot tea can help suppress your appetite much like water can, but the type of tea you choose also helps. Green tea, for example, contains a phytonutrient that has been shown to increase levels of a hormone that triggers the feeling of satiation, while drinking mint tea after a meal can help signal to your brain that you're done eating.

5. Add chia seeds:
They're tiny, low in calories, and high in fiber and protein - one tablespoon of chia seeds contains 69 calories, two grams of protein, and about five grams of fiber. Chia seeds also expand in liquid, meaning you can bulk up your food, helping you prevent gobbling down a huge meal. Sprinkle them on your yogurt or cereal, or add them to a smoothie or baked goods. Because chia seeds are tiny and don't have a distinct taste, they won't distract from what you're eating.

Saturday 21 September 2013

The Amazing Health Benefits of Bananas

From curing dry skin and dull hair to curbing your untimely hunger pangs and burning fat, banana does it all. It is one of the most versatile fruits, which is packed with nutrients that are essential for our body. Besides this, banana is used for many homemade beauty treatments as well. So, take a look at some surprising health and beauty benefits of this amazing fruit.

Keeps your skin moisturised and hydrated
Banana contains Vitamin B6, C and a high percentage of water, which nourishes and hydrates the skin. These nutrients also help to maintain the elasticity of your skin. So, add bananas in your daily diet.
If you are looking for instant solution to moisturise your dry skin, just apply pulp of a ripe banana on your face. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Say goodbye to ageing
Bananas protect the body against the damage caused by free oxygen radicals, which can speed up the process of ageing. So, you can also use a banana peel to get rid of wrinkles.
All you need to do is, apply fresh peel on your face for 15 minutes every day to get the maximum benefit out of it. You can also make a banana face pack by mashing half a banana and adding a teaspoon of rose water to it. Keep it on your face for about 30 minutes. After that, wash it off with water.

Foot care
Due to their moisturising properties, bananas are great for your cracked heels as well. Just mash two bananas into a pulp, apply it on your feet for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with water. Follow this treatment religiously and your feet will become soft and smooth

Get rid of puffy eyes
Bananas are a rich source of potassium, which can help to reduce the puffiness of your eyes instantly. You need to mash half a banana and apply it on your eyes for about 15 minutes. If you find this to be too messy, then just place banana peels on your swollen eyes. All these solutions will help you to get rid of your puffy eyes.

Treating skin problems
Bananas are very effective in treating acne and pimples. You need to take a small piece of the peel and rub it gently on the affected area. Do this till the peel turns brown. Then clean the area with some water. Follow this simple routine thrice a day to get rid of those pimples.

Get smooth and silky hair
Bananas are rich source of natural oils, carbohydrates, potassium and vitamins. These nutrients keep your hair healthy and smooth. They also nourish them, and prevent breakage and split ends.
All you need to do is mash a banana and add a little almond oil to it. Apply it on your hair, leave it on for about 15 minutes and then wash it off. Your hair will be revitalised and moisturised by the vitamin C and A present in bananas.

Improves your mood
Bananas contain tryptophan, which is a type of protein. This helps your body to produce serotonin, a hormone that is known for its calming and mood-enhancing properties. That is why bananas is good for those who are suffering from depression.

Fat burning food
Bananas are a filling fruit, which is why they help to curb your untimely hunger pangs. Also they are full of natural sugars, which can provide you with instant energy. So, grab a banana the next time you crave for food at odd hours.

Low cholesterol and blood pressure
As mentioned earlier, bananas are a rich source of potassium, as well as calcium and magnesium. These essential nutrients help to keep your blood pressure under check. Also, pectin, a fibre which helps to reduce cholesterol is found abundantly in bananas. So, add them to your diet to soak in their wholesome goodness.

Stronger bones
Bananas contain probiotic bacteria, which helps the absorption of calcium in the body, thus strengthening your bones. Also, the potassium in bananas helps to prevent calcium loss from your body. This lowers your risk of developing osteoporosis later in life

Improves digestion
Banana contains fructooligosaccharide, which helps to stimulate growth of good bacteria in the stomach, particularly the colon. It also produces enzymes that helps to improve the overall digestion.
So, instead of investing in expensive food supplements and beauty products, just buy some bananas from a fruit vendor.

Sunday 25 August 2013

6 Things You Didn't Know About Weight Loss

Most people generally follow the conventional norm of dieting when it comes to losing weight. They will skip meals, keep fasts, consume low-fat products and take stairs instead of lifts. But, this type of calorie counting will only make them lose their mind, and not weight. Even the nutritionists agree that fasting and skipping meals is not a healthy way to lose weight. Such practices tend to make people look weaker and frail. But, there are some amazing ways of weight loss, which they do not pay much heed to. So, take a look at these simple tricks which will help in shedding kilos in a healthier manner.

1. Fluids
Limit your drinks to water only. While you are trying to slim down, reduce your intake of tea, juice and coffee. If you are desperately craving for juice, then try eating a fruit instead of drinking a packaged one. This way, you get more nutrition without the excess sugar found in the packaged juice. Also, limit your coffee consumption to one cup a day, and tea to two cups. Avoid adding sugar to them. You can also opt for healthier options like green tea and decaffeinated coffee.

2. Go Chinese!
Chinese food is one of the healthiest cuisines in the world. From that, we do not mean the ‘Indian-ised’ and greasy version of the food. But the original Chinese dishes, which include boiled and crunchy vegetables, broiled meat and steamed rice. Traditionally, Chinese food is either baked or stir-fried. It consists of a huge variety of vegetables and healthy soups. Also, it involves a lot of seafood and soybeans, with minimal amount of sugar. So, having it can really help you to shed your excess weight. And, if you are not that comfortable with eating Chinese food, then there is still another Chinese trend you can try out. Try eating with chopsticks. This will help you to eat slowly. So, your body will have time to respond to your stomach’s cues saying that it is full, thus preventing you from consuming empty calories.

3. Fat is Good!
You may find the above sentence to be an oxymoron, but it is true. Fat is good for you! It is the grease that helps your metabolic system to run smoothly, and helps you to lose weight faster. What most people do not know is that fats are both  good and bad as well. Fish, flax seeds and nuts are a source of good fats, while re-used cooking oil is the most dreadful form of bad fats. So, it is best to incorporate more of good fats in your diet.

4. Spice it up
Adding some spice to your bland food not only enhances the flavour, but also helps you to lose oodles of weight. Add some extra spices to your food to cut down on your salt intake; salt is one of the biggest culprits of weight gain. Spices like turmeric, cinnamon, chilies and garlic are just a few 'healthy' examples. Turmeric helps the body to metabolism fats by decreasing the fat storage in liver cells, while cinnamon manages the blood sugar levels. Chilies, most importantly, have an ingredient called Capsaicin, which significantly improves fat burning process.

5. Skip a rope
Skipping with a rope works on your cellulite. This helps you to tone your arms and legs. It can also help you to lose up to 450 calories in around 30 minutes. Moreover, this exercise improves blood flow, thereby keeping your heart healthy.

6. Join aerobics
Well, this is definitely a fun exercise to work on your entire muscle mass. Unlike other exercises, this activity focuses on every body part, thereby giving you a lean frame. During a one-hour session of aerobics, you can burn at least 400 calories.