Saturday 30 March 2013

10 Ways to Free Up an Hour of Your Day

1. Batch your calls, emails, and texts.
Interruptions are sneaky time-stealers. By responding to each text, call, or email the moment it's received, you distract yourself from your current activity and lose precious time. Just because someone else has a moment to connect with you does not necessarily mean it's a good time for you to respond. Estimate how often you check your communications and divide that number in half. For instance, if you check your texts and emails 20 times a day, dial it back to 10. Checking in isn't the actual time waster - it's the interruption that disrupts your previous frame of mind.

2. Make a quick decision.
While researching my book, Time Efficiency Makeover, I found that people spend anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours a day rehashing their choices. While some major decisions require ample research and multiple opinions, we often put too much time and energy into everyday choices, such as "Do I really want to go Sarah's party Saturday afternoon?" One of the top reasons for disorganization and poor time management is indecision or procrastination of a decision, according to the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management. Eliminate repetitive decision-making conversations and try to come to a conclusion more quickly.

3. Double check your bags and car.
Make sure you have everything you need before you leave the house whether you're going to work or running errands. The extra three or four minutes you spend getting organized might save you 10 to 40 minutes later in the day. Before you put the car in reverse, unearth any outgoing bills or birthday cards; gather re-useable grocery bags; grab store coupons; make sure your Bluetooth is easily accessible; stick your water in the cup holder; place the doctor's address at arm's length or program it into your GPS. Then review your to do list. Ask yourself if you forgot anything, such as your lunch, change of shoes, dry cleaning, or prescription. This final action could save you a U-turn at the end of the block to retrieve missing sports gear or brownies for the bake sale.

4. Silence is golden.
Turn off the flat screen during dinner. Research shows that we lose minutes and gain calories when we mindlessly eat while watching TV. If you want to carve out an extra hour for yourself, focus on your food. Then you'll have more time to do something you enjoy, like read, exercise, cook a healthy meal, or take a fun class like art or dance.

5. Keep a well-ordered kitchen.
Leave the dishwasher open with racks pulled out during mealtimes. Ask family members to rinse and slip their plates and cups into the dishwasher rather than pile dirty dishes into the sink. This small change can save you five to 10 minutes of kitchen clean-up time.

6. Plan your wardrobe.
Each weekend, select your outfits for the week. Check to see if clothes are clean and ironed before Monday morning rolls around. Try on garments to make sure they match and fit! Ask your children to do the same. Knowing what you're going to wear before you wake up will reduce stress during the morning hours leading up to school or work and possibly save you 15 each day. Plus, you'll eliminate the old domino effect of trying on ugly outfits, skipping breakfast, running out the door, hitting traffic, and arriving at the office late.

7. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but many people lose time throughout the day because fatigue makes them unfocused or forgetful. To be as productive as possible, hit the hay 30 minutes earlier. With more shut-eye, you will get more accomplished each day - perhaps even an extra hour's worth!

8. Move your alarm clock.
If you have an unhealthy relationship with your snooze button, it might be damaging your productivity. Repeatedly hitting the snooze button for an hour means you're depriving your body of restful sleep. However, you can add up to an hour's worth of time back into your day by setting your alarm to a true wake-up time. To support this effort, move your alarm so that you're required to get out of bed to shut it off. Better yet, turn on the light before you turn off the alarm. Linking the two actions will tell your brain something new is going on, and it's time to rise and shine.

9. Set a timer in the bathroom.
It's easy to say you're going to take a quick shower, but for some of us, getting clean becomes a lingering, love affair with hot water. Think about how long you spend in the shower. If you tend to daydream or sing, a timer can act as the shut-off valve for your shower extravaganza.

10. Use hooks for easy access.
Hang hooks around the house to hold many of the items you use on daily basis and save yourself up to 12 minutes a day. A blow dryer hanging on a hook in the bathroom can shave minutes off your morning routine because you won't have to continuously unravel the cord. Placing a key hook near the front door prevents you from having to search for keys in your purse, kitchen, or closet. Hanging earphones and mobile chargers near your desk can save you time (and sanity) from untangling a nest of cords from the drawer

Monday 18 March 2013

Kitaran Haid Wanita

Terdapat empat fasa dalam kitaran haid. Fasa pertama (Hari 1 - hari 4) Ini dipanggil fasa pengeluaran haid (menstruation) atau lebih senang nak faham, hari di mana haid keluar. Hari pertama haid adalah penting untuk diketahui kerana ia adalah di mana fasa ini bermula. Pada hari pertama haid adalah penting untuk ditanda dikalendar dan tamat selepas beberapa hari. Bagi yang merancang untuk mengandung, digalakkan untuk menanda di kalendar pada setiap bulan. Ini memudahkan untuk korang mengetahui tarikh subur dan tarikh korang akan datang haid pada bulan hadapan. Fasa kedua (Hari 5-13) Ini dipanggil Follicular. Pada fasa ini hormon estrogen meningkat. Ketika fasa ini, darah akan berkumpul di dinding rahim dan menebal untuk persediaan mengandung. Di kawasan ovari pula, ovum atau telur yang berada di dalam bekasnya akan menjadi semakin matang. Fasa ketiga (Hari 14) Waktu inilah satu proses peneluran yang dipanggil ovulasi berlaku. Telur akan terkeluar dari sarangnya disebabkan peningkatan mendadak sejenis hormon yang dipanggil Luteinizing Hormon (LH). Telur ini jika tidak disenyawakan oleh Sperma akan mati dan hilang. Sekiranya ia disenyawakan, ia akan turun melalui saluran folofio ke rahim.

 Fasa keempat (Hari 15-28) Ia dipanggil fasa luteal atau fasa secretory. Selepas telur terkeluar dari sarangnya, sejenis hormon di panggil progestrone dirembes daripada sarangnya (corpus luteum). Ini menyebabkan dinding rahim semakin menebal. Setelah Progestrone semakin berkurang kerana tiada persenyawaan berlaku, dinding rahim akan runtuh sebagaimana runtuhnya tembok merlin(HAHAHAHA!) proses akan mengalami kitaran semula pada hari pertama. Maka begitulah yang akan terjadi pada setiap pusingan berulang-ulang.

 Bilakah Waktu Subur? Waktu subur ialah pada waktu ovulasi berlaku. Ini kerana pada waktu itu, telur sudah keluar dari sarangnya. Bilakah waktu tepat ianya berlaku? Waktu tepat ianya berlaku adalah 14 hari daripada tarikh pertama datang haid atau ketika fasa luteal bermula.. :D

Wednesday 13 March 2013

How sushi can make you FAT?

If you're thinking of sushi as a lighter lunch option, you may want to think again. Turns out that Supermarket sushi is much more like typical fast food than you'd think, with a couple of California rolls packing as many calories and twice as much sugar as a Big Mac and French fries from McDonald's.
The culprit: All that deliciously seasoned white rice wrapped around the minuscule pieces of fish and vegetables
"A typical sushi roll contains 290 to 350 calories and has the carbohydrate equivalent of two-and-a-half to four slices of bread," dietician Rachel Beller told The Daily Mail. "So a California roll equals two sandwiches filled with crab sticks, a sliver of avocado, and a tiny bit of veg."
Contrary to popular belief, the word "sushi" refers to the rice served with the (usually) raw fish, not the fish itself, which is considered more of a garnish. The rice is seasoned with sugar-and-salt infused vinegar and can make up 75 percent of each bite you take, which means that while you may be eating heart-healthy fish and vegetables, you're not getting much of them in each serving. Brown rice may have more fiber and nutrients but it doesn't contain fewer carbs or less sugar.
Two servings of Genji Sushi California rolls -- one of the easiest to find take-out options at Whole Foods markets around the United States -- has 740 calories and 22 grams of sugar, according tonutritional data posted online. A McDonald's Big Mac and a small order of French fries total 780 calories and 9 grams of sugar, the fast-food chain reports on their website.
Think you'll cut calories by choosing veggie sushi instead? Not so fast: an eight piece serving of Genji Sushi's avocado-and-cucumber roll has 400 calories and 11 grams of sugar -- more than a McDonald's Premium Bacon Ranch Salad with Crispy Chicken on top (390 calories, 7 grams of sugar).
Add a little soy sauce to the sushi and you can really do some damage to your sodium levels. Two take-out packets of soy sauce add about 1,000 milligrams of sodium -- nearly as much salt as 5 slices of bacon, according to the experts at
When it comes to fat content, though, sushi is easily the better fast-food choice. Two servings of Genji Sushi California Rolls contain just 10 grams of fat, compared to 29 grams of fat in a Big Mac alone. Even oily fish like salmon and tuna contain far less fat than a serving of ground beef.
To make that supermarket sushi a little better for you, stick to rolls that don't include cream cheese or mayonnaise-based sauces, which can add a lot of fat. Sushi that contains tempura may be delicious, but the fried ingredients add extra calories. If you're indulging at a restaurant, sashimi -- strips of fish with the rice on the side -- will help you cut down on carbs. If you want to lower your sodium levels, avoid smoked fish like mackerel and salmon, and go easy on the soy sauce and pickled ginger. Or you can satisfy your sushi craving at home, and control what goes into each roll.

Thursday 7 March 2013

To Prevent Kids' Food Allergies, Start Peanuts, Eggs Sooner

Amid rising rates of children’s food allergies, surprising new guidelines call for introducing babies at ages 4 to 6 months to the most allergenic foods—as a strategy to prevent food allergies.

New scientific data suggests that early introduction of highly allergenic foods—such as milk, eggs, peanuts, soy, and shellfish—may reduce children’s risk for developing food allergies, according to new recommendations from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI), published in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.

The recommendations are a dramatic reversal of American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines issued in 2000, which advise delaying milk until high-risk kids reach age 1; eggs until age 2; and peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts, and fish to age 3.

The AAP defined high-risk kids as those with one or more close relatives (a parent or sibling) who had an allergic condition—an extremely broad definition, given that about one in five Americans suffer from some form of allergy, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.

In 2008, the AAP released revised guidelines, stating that there was little evidence that delaying allergenic foods prevents food allergies. However, the AAP didn’t offer any specific guidance on when to introduce these foods, leaving parents confused about the best way to protect kids.

Up to 6 million American kids have food allergies—and the rate has jumped by nearly 20 percent since 1997, for as yet unknown reasons. About 90 percent of food allergies are triggered by just eight foods: milk, soy, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, eggs, and fish.

The Top 8 Food Allergies

New Tactics to Prevent Food Allergies

To identify evidence-based prevention tactics, the AAAAI combed through medical literature and issued the following recommendations:

Exclusive breastfeeding for at least 4 and up to 6 months is advised. For bottle-fed babies, hydrolyzed formula—which contains protein that has been broken down (hydrolyzed) to be more easily digestible—may have benefits over those that contain cow’s milk during the first 4-to-6 months. Brands of hydrolyzed formula include Alimentum, Nutramigen, and Pregestimil. The researchers found no evidence that soy formula reduces food allergy risk.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women don’t need to eat a special diet to protect babies from food allergies. In fact, “avoidance diets,” in which pregnant or breastfeeding women shun highly allergenic foods, are not recommended by the AAAAI. However, the group says that more research is needed to tell if avoiding peanuts during pregnancy or breastfeeding plays any role in reducing peanut allergy in kids, since studies done to date had contradictory results.
Parents can introduce foods—including highly allergenic ones—once babies are 4 to 6 months old. The AAAAI advises trying a few typical baby foods, such as cereal, fruit, or vegetables, and once those are well tolerated, introduce potentially allergenic foods.
Tips For Teaching Your Kids About Food Allergies

How Solid is the Science Supporting the New Guidelines?

“There's been more studies that find that if you introduce [highly allergenic foods] early it may actually prevent food allergy," David Fleischer, MD, coauthor of the medical journal article and a pediatric allergist at National Jewish Health in Denver, told the Wall Street Journal.

"We need to get the message out now to pediatricians, primary-care physicians and specialists that these allergenic foods can be introduced early,” added Dr. Fleischer.

Among the research cited in the report are these studies:

A small study found that delaying introduction of wheat until a baby reaches 6 months did not protect against wheat allergy. Another study found a significantly higher rate of wheat allergy in 5-year-old kids whose parents had delayed giving them wheat until after age 6 months. Therefore, no data supports holding off on giving babies wheat.
Small amounts of cow’s milk, such as that in baked goods, and dairy products like yogurt and cheese are safe to introduce before age one. One study found that early exposure (before a baby reached 14 days of age) as a supplement to breastfeeding may protect against milk allergy.
Several studies show that if kids start eating cooked eggs when they are 4 to 6 months old, they are less likely to develop egg allergy, while babies who aren’t introduced to egg until they are more than 10 months old have a higher rate of egg allergy at age 5.
One study found a ten times higher rate of peanut allergy in Jewish kids in the United Kingdom, where parents usually avoid feeding babies peanut butter, than in Jewish kids in Israel, where peanut butter is eaten in higher amounts at a younger age. However, parents should consult an allergist before feeding a baby peanut butter if other family members are allergic. Whole peanuts are a choking hazard and shouldn’t be given to kids under age 5.
Simple Juices That Jump Start The Immune System

What’s the Theory Behind Exposing Babies to Allergens?

One theory holds that if kids aren’t exposed to substances in highly allergenic foods early enough, their body is more likely to view them as foreign invaders and attack, leading to an allergy.

"The body has to be trained in the first year of life," says Katie Allen, a professor and allergist at the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute at Royal Children's Hospital in Australia, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“We think there's a critical window, probably around 4 to 6 months, when the child first starts to eat solids," she says.

Another explanation for the rise in allergies and autoimmune disorders is the “hygiene hypothesis,” the theory that we’ve become so clean that the immune system isn’t adequately challenged by germs during childhood, making it more prone to overreacting to harmless substances, such as proteins in certain foods.


Friday 1 March 2013

Sayangilah Miss V Anda

Berepa Tips Yana kongsikan untuk penjagaan Miss V.

1) Adalah disyorkan agar membersihkan bahagian luar selepas buang air kecil atau air besar,seeloknya menggunakan air.

2) Ketika haid,wanita dinasihatkan kerap menukar tuala wanita terutama pada hari-hari yang banyak darah.Ini kerana darah merupakan media yang sesuai untuk kuman membiak.Bagi wanita yang menggunakan ‘tampon’mereka perlu ingat untuk menukarkannya.

3) Elakkan dari sering mengamalkan douching iatu iatu memasukkan jari atau pancutan ke dalam faraj dengan dengan tujuan membersihkan bahagian dalam faraj.Perbuatan ini akan menyingkirkan sejenis bacteria loctobacili dari faraj di samping mendedahkan faraj dan bahagian luar kemaluan kepada bahan kimia yang boleh mengakibatkan iritasi kulit.

4) Elakkan dari menggunakan sabun atau menyapu shower gel pada alat kelamin kerana ia mungkin menyebabka kekeringan dan iritasi kulit dan menjadi gatal.Sesetengah wanita sensitive dan alah pada pewangi dan buih sabun.

5) Pasangan suami isteri diggalakkan membersih alat kelamin dengan air sebelum dan selepas hubungan kelamin untuk kebersihan yang optimum.Amalkan membuang air kecil lebih kurang setengah jam selepas hubungan seks untuk mengurankan risikojangkitan kuman pada pundi kencing.

6) Seluar dalam perlu ditukar setiap hari dan pada hari-hari mengalami keputihan ,lebih baik memakai penty liner supaya ia tidak melekat pada pakaian dalam yang menyebabkan ketidakselesaan.

7) Selain dari itu,bengkak nanah dikaitkan dengan jangkitan kuman dan pesakit mengadu sakit serta demam.Rawatan adalah secara incisional dan drainage untuk menggeluarkan nanah dan pengambilan antibiotic.Bisul juga boleh terjadi pada wanita yang sering bercukur .Oleh itu kebersihan pencukur perlu dititikberatkan.

 8) Wanita yang mengalami keputihan dengan penjagaan alat sulit seharusnya perlu tahu membezakan antara keputihan biasa dan yang berpenyakit.Keputihan normal boleh berlaku pada waktu –waktu berikut seperti beberapa hari sebelum haid,ketika ghairah seks,kehamilan dan klimakterik ataupun selepas menopause.

9) Tanda-tanda keputihan yang berpenyakit termasuklah pertukaran warna dari jernih,putih kekuningan atau kehijauan atau berdarah.Sekiranya keputihan terlalu banyak ,berketul-ketul kecil,gatal dan berbau,tanda-tanda bengkak,pedih atau sakit pada alat kelamin.Sekiranya jangkitan merebak ke pangkal rahim atau system peranakan,wanita akan mengadu sakit pada bahagian bawah abdomen serta demam.

10) Seelok-eloknya wanita yang mengalami masalah keputihan dinasihatkan berjumpa doctor untuk mendapatkan pengesahan sama ada ia berpenyakit atau tidak,supaya rawatan dapat diberikan sebelum penyakit lebih serius.

11) Kebanyakan wanita sebenarnya tidak memerlukan produk atau ubat penjagaan alat kelamin sekiranya langkah-langkah yang disarankan di atas diikut dengan bijak.Ubat hanya perlu diambil bagi merawat jangkitan kuman dan keputihan yang tidak normal.

12) Segelintir wanita berasa selesa dan puas apabila mereka membersih dan merawat alat kelamin dengan produk yang berada di pasaran.Mereka dinasihatkan memikirkan bahan pencuci yang tidak mendatangkan kesan sampingan,yang tidak mengubah ph faraj dan telah diuji kebersihannya.

13) Sekiranya selepas menggunakan produk tersebut dan timbul rasa gatal,pedih,kemerahan,wanita itu dinasihatkan tidak menggunakannya lagi dan berjumpalah doctor untuk mendapatkan rawatan yang sewajarnya