Sunday 23 December 2012

9 Daily Habits That Will Make You Happier

Happiness is the only true measure of personal success. Making other people happy is the highest expression of success, but it's almost impossible to make others happy if you're not happy yourself.

With that in mind, here are nine small changes that you can make to your daily routine that, if you're like most people, will immediately increase the amount of happiness in your life:

1. Start each day with expectation.
If there's any big truth about life, it's that it usually lives up to (or down to) your expectations. Therefore, when you rise from bed, make your first thought: "something wonderful is going to happen today." Guess what? You're probably right.

2. Take time to plan and prioritize.
The most common source of stress is the perception that you've got too much work to do.  Rather than obsess about it, pick one thing that, if you get it done today, will move you closer to your highest goal and purpose in life. Then do that first.

3. Give a gift to everyone you meet.
I'm not talking about a formal, wrapped-up present. Your gift can be your smile, a word of thanks or encouragement, a gesture of politeness, even a friendly nod. And never pass beggars without leaving them something. Peace of mind is worth the spare change.

4. Deflect partisan conversations.
Arguments about politics and religion never have a "right" answer but they definitely get people all riled up over things they can't control. When such topics surface, bow out by saying something like: "Thinking about that stuff makes my head hurt."

5. Assume people have good intentions.
Since you can't read minds, you don't really know the "why" behind the "what" that people do. Imputing evil motives to other people's weird behaviors adds extra misery to life, while assuming good intentions leaves you open to reconciliation.

6. Eat high quality food slowly.
Sometimes we can't avoid scarfing something quick to keep us up and running. Even so, at least once a day try to eat something really delicious, like a small chunk of fine cheese or an imported chocolate. Focus on it; taste it; savor it.

7. Let go of your results.
The big enemy of happiness is worry, which comes from focusing on events that are outside your control. Once you've taken action, there's usually nothing more you can do. Focus on the job at hand rather than some weird fantasy of what might happen.

8. Turn off "background" TV.
Many households leave their TVs on as "background noise" while they're doing other things. The entire point of broadcast TV is to make you dissatisfied with your life so that you'll buy more stuff. Why subliminally program yourself to be a mindless consumer?

9. End each day with gratitude.
Just before you go to bed, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened. It might be something as small as a making a child laugh or something as huge as a million dollar deal. Whatever it is, be grateful for that day because it will never come again

From : .

Friday 21 December 2012

TIPS Penjagaan Laptop / Notebook

1. Elak guna laptop sekiranya rumah anda grounding tidak baik semasa  guruh kilat. Boleh menyebabkan litar pintas dan kerosakan pd komponen  PSU (power supply unit) dan wired network card bahkan keseluruhan board  dan komponen dalaman.
2. Elak selalu format hard-disk secara low-level, mahupun full format, akan memendekkan jangka hayat hard disk. Guna quick format sebaiknya.
3. Elak guna bateri semasa bekalan elektrik dari plug tersedia. Namun, kebanyakkan notebook pada masa kini adalah auto disconnected sekiranya bekalan elektrik dari plug disambung.
4. Elak dari menutup ruang udara di bawah laptop. Boleh menyebabkan kepanasan pada komponen laptop yang menyumbang kepada masalah stabiliti (laptop terpadam sendiri dan sebagainya.)
5. Elak menggunakan laptop pada tempat yang tertutup dan panas.
6. Elak menggunakan plug cable yang berkongsi dengan peralatan elektrik yang menggunakan tenaga elektrik tinggi, seperti peti ais, heater air, seterika dan sebagainya. Boleh memendekkan jangka hayat peralatan disebabkan arus elektrik yang tidak sekata.
7. Gunakan kipas penyejuk tambahan bagi ruangan di bawah laptop sekiranya mampu. Ia sangat membantu pengaliran udara diruangan bawah laptop yg sangat terkesan dengan haba.
8. Hantar untuk servis bagi membuang habuk yang terlekat di celahan heat sink processor dalam skala setahun sekali. Vacuum tidak mampu membuang habuk sepenuhnya. Membuka casing laptop memerlukan ketelitian dan pengetahuan, jadi anda tidak digalakan untuk mencuba sendiri.
9. Guna pembersih yang tidak menghakis untuk mencuci sebarang peralatan laptop. Gunakan kapas bagi membersihkan skrin LCD dengan pembersih skrin.
10. Guna berus cat yang masih belum digunakan dan masih lembut untuk membuang habuk di persekitaran skrin dan keyboard. Buang habuk yang melekat terutamanya di kipas process dan motherboard dengan memberus keluar perlahan2.
11. Pastikan laptop diceraikan dari bateri semasa dimasukkan kedalam beg. Mengelak dari kesan jangkamasa panjang hayat bateri dan mengelak kecurian.
12. Periksa kebocoran arus elektrik dengan menggunakan test-pen (boleh dibeli di mana2 kedai elektrik dan elektronik) dengan menyentuh test-pen pada casing / peralatan laptop. Sekiranya lampu test-pen bernyala, kebocoran elektrik wujud. Boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan komponent terutamanya laptop monitor dan motherboard. Periksa soket plug atau tukarkan soket baru. Jika menggunakan extension plug, gantikan dengan yang baru.
13. Beli / ganti peralatan komputer yang berkualiti. Barangan yang berkualiti adalah lebih tahan lama dan lebih efisyen. Kebiasaanya barangan berjenama dan berqualiti adalah mahal sedikit namun berbaloi untuk jangka masa yg lebih lama.
14. Elak meninggalkan laptop di dalam kenderaan terlalu lama di kawasan yang panas.
15. Elak menggunakan wired network semasa kilat, terutama sekiranya tiada lightning protection bagi talian telefon dan elektrik. Bole menyebabkan kerosakan pada modem dan network card.
16. Elak menyerahkan laptop anda untuk dibaiki tanpa sebarang rekod salinan peralatan dan spesifikasi laptop anda yang sedia ada. Kecurian dari segi komponent mudah terjadi. Merugikan anda sekiranya berlaku tanpa anda ketahui.
17. Guna kesington key bagi mengunci laptop di meja. Mengelak dari kecurian ketika anda tiada bersama laptop.
18. Elak menyentuh skrin LCD dengan menggunakan jari atau peralatan tajam. Boleh mengakibatkan kerosakkan (death) pixel pada skrin.
19. Jangan mematikan (shutdown) laptop dengan terus mematikan switch plug atau dengan menekan butang on / off pd computer selama beberapa saat. Boleh mengakibatkan kehilangan / corrupted / bad sector pada hard disk / file. Juga memendekkan jangka hayat hard disk.
20. Elak dari menggunakan beg laptop yang nipis dan tidak mempunyai ketahanan. Mengelak dari retakan pada casing laptop atau sebarang kecacatan yang boleh terjadi.
21. Jangan menggunakan terlalu banyak peralatan yang disambung pada port USB sekiranya tidak perlu. Setiap peralatan / hardware menggunakan peratusan tenaga (dalam unit Watt) yang boleh mengakibatkan kekurangan / bekalan power (Watt) tidak mencukupi bagi hardware lain. Mengakibatkan stabiliti terganggu dan sesetengah kes, boleh menyebabkan kepanasan melampau pada port USB yang boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan pada alat (seperti Pendrive)
22. Sekiranya keyboard anda rosak dan tidak mampu untuk menggantikan dengan yang baru, beli soft-keyboard yang boleh digulung dan diperbuat daripada silikon. Mudah untuk digunakan dan amat selesa.
23. Sekiranya monitor anda rosak dan tidak mampu untuk menggantikan LCD baru, jadikan laptop tersebut sebagai PC dengan menyambung ke monitor luaran seperti LCD / CRT / Projektor.
24. Jika laptop berbunyi bising, hantar servis untuk membuang kotoran yang terlekat pada kipas atau heat sink laptop.
25. Jangan sesekali memasukkan DVD / VCD bersaiz kecil kedalam DVD / VCD player yang jenis auto insert and eject (slot-in type). Boleh merosakkan DVD / VCD player anda

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Tips On How To Choose The Right Plus Size Dress

Smart Tips On Choosing Plus Size Dresses Wedding Dresses
 Plus Size Dresses

There are some women who have been blessed with the plus size. Some people may call it curse but it is a blessing. You should be happy with the figure that God gave you. The good thing is that you can these days get plus size dress easily than it was in the past. There are dresses for all body types and sizes. What you need to do is to conduct the proper research over the internet so as to ensure that you make wise choice and informed decision.

Whichever size of your body, all women desire to have some good looks and putting on the best attire. The plus size dresses offer ideal solutions for those women who how best they can carry themselves with confidence regardless of appearance which is not so good. There are very many options that are available these days. It is not difficult to find the one which complements your type of body. The secret of the finding the right plus size dress lies in the hunting for those patterns which make you to appear thinner than you really are.

All the who women love and treasure fashion but are in great dilemma as to that which they should wear are advised to consider trying the empire waistline dresses because the pattern hides the fats that are around the waist and at the same time accentuates the area within the bust. The floor length dresses that have rhinestone that is adorned with spaghetti straps an elegant chic look.
Colors such as black tend to make the wearer to appear thinner. Black is the universal color for partying and it great sophistication. An a-line dress of floor length that has front slit and some sweetheart stone studded neckline imparts personality in a very highly fashionable look.

You should ensure that you avoid the wearing of those clothes that are heavily embellished because they will not only make you thin but also impart some kitschy look that may turn out to be disaster to fashion. You should instead opt for the monochromatic colors that have trendy cuts and styles. You should tem up and coordinate the colors of your attire with trendy accessories and pretty scarf. This way, you will be set to creating good impression in all the places where you go.

The allegation that those clothes that are loosely flowing hide everything is simply a myth. In reality, they will make you appear chubby. They are also an absolute dampener of confidence. You should ensure that you make the correct choice of the size that fits you properly. You should not hesitate to make as many trials as possible until the time when you are very sure that the dress fits you properly.
You should choose adept seamstress or in the alternative shop for something that is exclusive over the internet. The galore of options is very wide. The women who feel geed despite their plus size should choose dresses with trendy styles such as for example the shutter pleats, one shoulder designs, wrap around dresses and bandage dresses among others.

Saturday 15 December 2012


1. Jangan menggoyang-goyangkan HP semasa signal lemah atau tiada. Hal ini akan membuat si HP pening & mual..

2. Jangan charge HP anda terlalu lama (setelah bateri sudah full) Hal ini akan membuat bateri anda bunting/ melembung.. Jika itu terjadi, belum tentu anda mahu bertanggungjawa b & sanggup menikahinya..

3. Jangan terlalu sering bermain game di HP..Cubalah serius dengannya. Di dunia ini tidak ada yg mahu dipermainkan..seperti anda juga..

4. Jangan terlalu kuat memicit keypad atau skrin sesentuh HP anda. Jika ini berlaku, HP anda akan mengalami cirit-birit lalu tercirit..

5. Cucilah HP anda seminggu sekali agar bersih dari noda, bau & virus. Bayangkan jika anda tidak mandi seminggu.. Begitu juga dengan HP anda..

6. Pakaikan baju / jaket yang tebal pada HP anda. Hal ini akan membuat HP anda berasa lebih nyaman dan selesa serta tahan masuk angin..

7. Jangan terlalu sering mengisi topup kredit yang murah (RM5). Hal ini akan membuat HP anda berasa rendah diri. Semakin mahal
semakin tinggi harga dirinya..

8. Gunakan Facebook bersubsidi (0.facebook).. Hal ini akan menjimatkan kredit HP anda..

9. Jangan penuhi HP anda dengan sms dari skandal atau pasangan curang anda. Jika kantoi, maka akan melayanglah nyawa HP anda
(mungkin nyawa anda juga turut melayang).

10. Jika anda sedang stress,lemparlah HP pada tempat yang empuk / lembut. Hal ini akan mengelakkan HP anda dari patah hati/tulang belakang.


Wednesday 5 December 2012

8 Ways to Lose 10 Pounds Without Exercise

Trying to lose those pesky 10 pounds you gained on summer vacation or wondering how to prevent packing them on over the holidays? Oodles of new research has uncovered ways to trim 100 calories or more from your diet without skimping on flavor. While it doesn't sound like much, shaving off 100 calories a day could help you trim 10 or more pounds a year--even if you never set foot in the gym.

Get started today with these science-backed calorie-cutting shortcuts that'll help you maintain healthy curves all year long

1. Dim the lights
Regardless of what you thought as a kid, it turns out the dark isn't so scary after all. A new study from Cornell University says the secret to eating less--and feeling more satisfied about what you do eat--could be as simple as turning down the lights. Researchers found people who ate a meal under soft, warm lighting consumed 175 fewer calories than those who noshed in brightly lit places. The study participants who dined under mood lighting ate 18 percent less of the food on their plates--and also rated their food "more enjoyable" than those under bright lights. Scientists think that's because the harsh fluorescent lights commonly found in fast food restaurants may create a psychological need to rush through meals and eat more--so light a candle or two at dinnertime, and you may be less stimulated to gobble up your food

2. Be a straight shooter
They might look stylish, but swanky, curved drinking glasses on your table could lead to saddlebags on your thighs and a spare tire around your middle. A British study found that people consumed 60 percent more alcohol, sugary sodas, and juices if the glass they drank from was curvy, rather than a straight tumbler. The researchers speculate that people drink faster from the curvy glasses because it's harder to tell when you're at the halfway point, so you reach for another drink sooner and end up consuming more.

To space out your sips and feel satisfied sooner, pour yourself a drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) in a straight-shaped glass. If you end up drinking 60 percent less than you normally would, that's about 67 calories saved at breakfast if an 8 oz glass of orange juice is a morning staple; 48 calories saved at lunch if you're sipping a sweetened iced tea; or about 40 fewer Chardonnay calories consumed at dinner or happy hour,

3. Grab a few winks
Got a bad case of the head bobs? Several studies say you could wind up hungrier than if you were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. One study from the Mayo Clinic shows getting less than 6 1/2 hours of sleep a night can lead to consuming as many as 500 excess calories in a day.

Being sleep deprived can increase how hungry you feel and lead to downing more calories than you'd eat if you weren't exhausted, says Manfred Hallschmid, PhD, department of medical psychology and behavioral neurobiology, University of Tubingen and lead researcher of a separate study on sleep and calorie consumption. "Sleep deprivation can raise levels of appetite hormones like ghrelin," he says. Surging levels of ghrerlin, the hormone that revs up your appetite, can lead to eating hundreds of extra calories than when you're well-rested, according to Dr. Hallschmid.

4. Don't say, "I can't
Whether you're trying to sidestep a fast food drive thru, mom's home cooking, or your favorite holiday treat, don't tell yourself what you can't eat. New research says you'll get better results if you frame it a little differently and focus on what you don't eat. "Can't" sounds more like punishment than being healthy, researchers say, and it creates a sense of self-deprivation that can tank your motivation. On the other hand, reminding yourself you "don't" eat certain foods helps steel your willpower towards a healthier lifestyle.

Case in point: When researchers divided a group of people into "can't eats" and "don't eats", 64 percent of those in the "don't" group passed up a candy bar in favor of a healthier granola bar--but only 30 percent of the "can't" group chose the healthier snack. So cut the "can'ts", and will yourself towards smaller portions of healthier food.

5. Think thin
Think you're overweight? Think again. New research says the way you think about food and your waistline can determine your success at sticking to a healthy diet. Turns out telling yourself you're "chubby" or "very fat" decreases the odds of hitting your target goal weight, even if you're physically active.
Over a 10-year span, 59 percent of women who started out with an average body mass index of 20 but thought they were overweight, wound up packing on weight and watching their BMI swell to more than 25. That weight gain likely happened because of a self-fulfilling prophecy, says Susan Albers, psychologist at The Cleveland Clinic and the author of Eating Mindfully and 50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food. "Your mindset is incredibly important in giving up or getting on track with your weight," she says. "So if you think you are not overweight, regardless of your actual weight, you will act in ways that lead you to what you already believe." And that translates to eating fewer fats and calories

6. Stop starting at sugar
Don't you hate when you're minding your own business, sticking to a healthy diet, and all of a sudden a craving for junk food comes along and ruins your good intentions? To help you keep those cravings in check, a new study says you should look the other way when you see pictures of high-fat, high-calorie, or sugary foods. That's because brain scans have shown that ogling pictures of high-calorie treats stimulates parts of the brain that control hunger and the reward center, says Kathleen Page, MD, assistant professor of medicine at USC and the study's lead author.
What should you do when TV commercials flash images of high-calorie foods? Head to the kitchen and take a peek at some healthy foods to shut down the reward center of your brain.
7. Wet your whistle.
You're more likely to crave veggies than greasy French fries, chips or other foods high in fat and calories if you pair a meal with water instead of caloric beverages. Researchers at the University of Oregon say that food-drink pairings can influence the type of food choices we make and the amount of calories we eat. In the study, adults who paired a meal with water were more likely to eat their vegetables and make other healthy food choices than if they sipped on soda. Additionally, more participants named water as the best drink to pair with healthy, low-calorie foods, while soda scored high as the best drink to accompany pizza or fries. Pour yourself a tall glass of water, not soda, before your meals, and your appetite may follow suit.
8. Look forward to eating
Are you jonesing for lunch? Got Christmas cookies or other treats on your mind? Go ahead, keep fantasizing! Dr. Hallschmid says anticipating a meal can actually lower your body's levels of ghrelin, the appetite hormone. In a study he conducted, he found that looking forward to and thinking about a meal before you sidle up to the table helps reign in ghrelin levels, so people consumed less calories during the meal. "Looking forward to eating could have a positive effect on food intake control because it leads to feeling full sooner, and sustaining that feeling of full so you don't seek out high-calorie snacks," says Dr. Hallschmid.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Kitaran Haid Tidak Menentu?

Kitaran haid tidak teratur? Ada perdarahan sedangkan bukan masanya datang bulan? Boleh jadi anda mengalami sindrom Ovari Polisistik.

Polisistik ovari atau PCO ialah keadaan yang mana terdapat tidak kurang daripada 12 folikel pada satu ovari. "PCO berbeza dengan sista. PCO hanyalah folikel-folikel kecil berukuran 5 hingga 7 mm. Manakala sista pula ialah suatu keadaan yang mana terdapatnya ruang be

risi cecair atau objek pejal yang terlekat pada ovari," jelas Pakar Obstetrik dan Ginekologi, Dr. Calvin Tjong.

Satu ovari biasanya memiliki jutaan folikel. Folikel ialah calon sel telur atau ovum. Dalam satu kitaran haid, beberapa folikel akan membesar dan satu daripadanya akan matang. Folikel yang matang biasanya berukuran 18 hingga 25 mm.

Folikel yang matang ini kemudiannya akan pecah dan berubah menjadi sel telur. Proses ini dikenali sebagai pengovulan. Namun jika perkembangan folikel-folikel terhalang, pengeluaran hormon estrogen akan meningkat dan keadaan ini akan mengakibatkan pembentukan selaput lendir pada rongga rahim (uterus).

Lama kelamaan, hormon estrogen yang terkumpul itu akan menyebabkan selaput lendir pada rongga rahim menebal. Keadaan ini akan memberi kesan kepada peredaran darah pada dinding rahim lalu mencetuskan simptom amenorea, kitaran haid tidak teratur dan pendarahan.

Folikel-folikel yang gagal matang tidak semestinya berpotensi menjadi PCO. Namun, jika keadaan ini disertai dengan gangguan pada kitaran haid dan wujudnya hormon androgen berlebihan, cepat-cepatlah berjumpa doktor. Lakukan pemeriksaan riwayat penyakit (anamnesis) tentang selang masa, tempoh dan volum pendarahan selama tiga bulan terakhir.

Punca sebenar terjadinya PCO masih belum dikenal pasti, justeru belum ada langkah pencegahan yang boleh dilaksanakan.

Ketiadaan sel telur yang matang akan menyebabkan wanita yang mengalami sindrom PCO sukar untuk hamil. Rawatan yang dapat dilakukan pula bergantung kepada tujuan rawatan:

1. Pemberian ubat kesuburan bagi wanita yang ingin hamil
Ubat kesuburan akan merangsang pengovulan sehingga memungkinkan kehamilan.

2. Mengurangkan berat badan sekurang-kurangnya 10% bagi wanita yang memiliki berat badan berlebihan.
Berat badan yang tidak seimbang akan mengganggu sistem hormon dalam tubuh.

3. Rawatan antidiabetes untuk meminimumkan rintangan insulin.
Rintangan insulin disyaki mencetuskan perubahan abnormal pada folikel-folikel bakal sel telur ini.

Selain terapi, ada juga cara perubatan lain yang boleh dilakukan. Antaranya:

- Laparoskopi iaitu tindakan meminimumkan bilangan folikel pada ovari dengan menggunakan laser.

- Reseksi Baji Ovari (Ovarian Wedge Resection) iaitu tindakan mengambil sebahagian tisu ovari melalui pembedahan