Thursday 23 August 2012

Fakta Menarik Mengenai Haiwan

  • Badak air mampu berlari lebih pantas daripada manusia.
  • Ngauman singa boleh kedengaran sejauh tiga kilometer.
  • Tiram boleh mengubah jantinanya beberapa kali sepanjang hayatnya.
  • Dianggarkan 80 peratus haiwan di muka bumi adalah serangga.
  • Ratu anai-anai boleh hidup selama 500 tahun dan menghasilkan 30,000 telur setiap hari.
  • Tikus kasturi, mamalia paling kecil didunia makan empat kali lebih berat badannya dalam masa 36 jam.
  • Bahan buangan (najis) daripada seekor ayam sepanjang hayatnya boleh membekalkan tenaga elektrik yang cukup untuk menyalakan sebiji lampu mentol berkuasa 100 watt selama lima jam.
  • Ayam juga akan menghasilkan telur yang lebih besar jika hari sentiasa siang.
  • Jantina kura-kura boleh dikenalpasti berdasarkan bunyi yang dihasilkan. Kura - kura jantan mengeluarkan bunyi garau sementara betina menghasilkan bunyi yang berdesir.
  • Buaya tidak boleh menjelir dan menggerakkan lidahnya kerana organ itu melekat pada lelangit.
  • Ikan haruan dapat mengesan 27,000 jenis bau, sekali gus menjadikannya haiwan yang paling sensitif deria baunya.
  • Kanggaru yang hanya di Australia sebenarnya tidak boleh melompat jika ekornya tidak menyentuh bumi. Ekornya bertindak sebagai topang semasa haiwan itu melompat.
  • Haiwan yang paling banyak di muka bumi adalah semut. Nisbahnya adalah satu juta bagi setiap orang.
  • Tanduk atau sumbu badak bukan berasal daripada tulang-belulang tetapi terjadi daripada bulu-bulunya yang berkumpul dan mengeras.
  • Jika ikan jerung membuka mulut dalam tempoh masa yang lama, ia akan mati lemas kerana air akan masuk ke dalam mulutnya.
  • Pada tahun 1984, peladang Canada menyewakan badan lembu mereka untuk ruang iklan.
  • Cacing gergasi Australia- cacing terpanjang di dunia boleh membesar sehingga 2 meter panjang. 
  • Semut berkomunikasi dengan menggosokkan sesungutnya. 
  • Unta pertama kalinya dibawa ke hemisfera barat pada 1856 oleh David D.Porter, seorang anggota tentera laut US . 
  • Gajah Afrika hamil selama 640 hari.

Friday 17 August 2012

Best and Worst Foods for Digestion

Choose Your Food Wisely,

In theory, you should be able to digest just about any type of food you put in your mouth.But changes in food processing and preparation (think fried) not to mention lifestyle (think sedentary) mean our stomachs don't always react well to everything we eat.It's best to avoid some food—like fatty meats—to avoid upset tummies. But, fortunately, nature also provides foods that can ease our digestion. Here's a guide to what's good and what's bad when it comes to keeping your system running smoothly.


Bananas help restore normal bowel function, especially if you have diarrhea (say, from too much alcohol).
And they restore electrolytes and potassium that may be lost due to runny stool. This fruit also has lots of fiber to aid digestion.


You have trillions of bacteria in your gut that help you digest food, and yogurt contains some types of these healthy bacteria. (Although not all yogurts have them-check for "live and active cultures" on the label.)
Yogurt has bacteria, which replenishes the normal flora within the gastrointestinal tract so it's healthy.


Kimchi is a Korean favorite usually made with cabbage, radish, or onion, along with lots of spices. The main ingredient is usually cabbage, which promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. And cabbage is a type of fiber that's not digested, so it helps eliminate waste, keeping bowel movements regular, Anderson says. Sauerkraut is good for the same reasons. This dish can be spicy, however, so it might not be a good option if you’ve found that spicy foods trigger digestive problems for you.

Lean Meat and Fish

If you're going to eat meat, go for chicken, fish, and other lean meats—they'll go down a lot easier than a juicy steak. Red meats tend to be fattier. Your body can handle lean meats and fish and chicken a whole lot better than prime rib. And lean meats and fish have not been associated with an increased risk of colon cancer like high-fat red meats have.

Whole Grains

Whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread, oats, and brown rice, are a good source of fiber, which helps digestion. If there's one thing America lacks, it's fiber. We need 20 to 30 grams a day and we maybe get 12.
Fiber also can help you feel full and lower cholesterol, but it can cause bloating, gas, and other problems in people who quickly ramp up their intake—it's better to take it slow when consuming more. And wheat grains are a no-no for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.


This spice has been used for thousands of years as a safe way to relieve nausea, vomiting, motion sickness, morning sickness, gas, loss of appetite, and colic. But it's best to consume it in moderation. High doses of ginger can backfire; more than 2 to 4 grams per day can cause heartburn.


Berries are good for your health, but ones with tiny seeds can be a problem for people who have diverticulitis, or pockets that develop in the intestine (usually the large intestine) that become inflamed or infected. "The theory is that the seeds will obstruct the [pockets] and pose a risk of infection," Dr. McCashland says. "It's never been proven in a study but it's always been theorized." If you find that seeds, including sunflower or pumpkin seeds, irritate your intestines, stay away from them.

Chili Peppers
This staple of spicy cuisine can irritate the esophagus and lead to heartburn pain.This can be a particular problem for people with irritable bowel syndrome or those who already suffer from chronic heartburn, says Tim McCashland, MD, a gastroenterologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, in Omaha.


You need calcium in your diet, and an easy way to get it is from dairy products such as milk and cheese. But, for the lactose intolerant, these can cause diarrhea, gas, and abdominal bloating and cramps. Lactose intolerance, a common problem, occurs when people don't make enough lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose (the sugar found in milk). Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and chemotherapy can damage the intestines, which also can lead to lactose intolerance. If you're lactose intolerant, staying away from dairy is probably your best bet.


A 2005 study suggested that chocolate may be a problem in those with irritable bowel syndrome or chronic constipation. But chocolate itself may not be the villain, Anderson says. For people with milk allergies, the real culprit could be the milk contained in many chocolate treats. And chocolate has caffeine in it, which can stimulate cramps, bloating, and diarrhea.

Coffee, Tea, and Soft Drinks

Coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages not only over-relax the esophageal sphincter, which keeps stomach acid confined to the stomach, but they also can act as diuretics, which can lead to diarrhea and cramping. Caffeinated beverages can be a particular problem, especially for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). If you have GERD or heartburn, you should avoid mint tea; it can, however, also calm the stomach


Fiber-rich corn is good for you, but it also contains cellulose, a type of fiber that humans can't break down easily because we lack a necessary enzyme. Our evolutionary ancestors were probably able to break it down with bigger, stronger teeth, Anderson says. If you chew corn longer, you can probably digest it just fine, she says. But wolf it down and it may pass through you undigested, and cause gas and abdominal pain.


Alcohol relaxes the body, but, unfortunately, it also relaxes the esophageal sphincter. This can lead to acid reflux or heartburn. Drinking also can inflame the stomach lining, impairing certain enzymes and preventing nutrients from being absorbed, Anderson says. Too much alcohol can cause diarrhea and cramping, but unless you have a gastrointestinal disorder, moderate amounts of alcohol shouldn't irritate the digestive tract.
Guidelines suggest no more than two drinks a day for men and one for women.

High-fat and fried food

Both high-fat and fried food can overwhelm the stomach, resulting in acid reflux and heartburn. "The body can only handle so much at one time," says Jessica Anderson, RD, a diabetes educator with the Texas A&M Health Science Center Coastal Bend Health Education Center, in Corpus Christi. High-fat food also can result in pale-colored stool, a phenomenon called steatorrhea, which is essentially excess fat in the feces. A lot of people with irritable bowel syndrome need to stay away from foods high in fat, she says, including butter and cream because they can cause digestive problems.

Kempiskan Perut

Ingin mengatasi masalah perut buncit? Berikut adalah beberapa tips ringkas untuk membantu anda kempiskan perut. Untuk panduan lebih lanjut, sila rujuk kepada eBook Panduan Kurangkan 5kg 5 Minggu yang sekaligus membincangkan tentang cara-cara untuk membuang lemak. 
Penting kualiti daripada kuantiti! Tidak perlu melaku beratus-ratus sit ups setiap hari! 1 ataupun 2 sessi seminggu dengan latihan berkualiti adalah lebih baik. Don’t overtrain.
Untuk merangsangkan otot abs anda setiap sessi, pelbagaikan latihan abs ! Gunakan latihan yang berbeza untuk latih abs daripada sudut yang berbeza. Bahagian abs termasuk, upper, mid, lower dan obliques.
Fokus kepada contraction otot abs semasa latihan! Make sure its your abs that is doing the work dan bukan bahagian otot yang lain (back, leher dll).
Fokus kepada pernafasan. Hembus nafas ketika “exertion” (ataupun ketika melakukan “crunch”). Ini akan membolehkan anda contract otot abs dengan sebaik mungkin
Untuk sessi workout abs, lakukan 2-3 latihan yang berbeza. Sebagai panduan, stick to 3 set bagi setiap exercise dan 15-20 ulangan (reps) bagi setiap set!
Latihan abs yang terbaik tidak akan menolong anda untuk kempiskan perut selagi adanya lapisan lemak antara otot dan kulit!
Penjagaan makanan adalah mustahak untuk memeliki bahagian perut yang cantik! Elakkan makanan berminyak, garam. Minum banyak air dan pastikan anda mengamalkan diet yang seimbang.
Look after your calories. Seperti mana yang saya katakana dahulu, anda harus create calorie deficit untuk membakar lemak berlebihan!
Latihan cardio ataupun bersukan adalah cara yang sesuai untuk membakar calorie berlebihan! It also makes dieting easier as kita tidak perlu jaga pemakanan dengan terlalu rapat!
Jika anda telahpun kurangkan lemak badan tetapi tidak lagi nampak abs yang cantik, kurangkan pengambilan sodium (yang takung air badan) dan make sure semasa latihan, abs are fatigued. Tingkatkan ulangan ataupun beban jika perlu!